BCM 513-I List of Practicals
List of Practicals (M.Sc. Biotechnology, I-Semester)
- Preparation of normal, molar, Parts per million (PPM), and percent solutions.
- Preparation of different buffer solutions and measure their pH.
- Estimation of given protein concentration by Bradford, Lowry (Folin) protein assay and by Biuret test.
- Determination of the isoelectric point of casein (of milk).
- Titration of amino acids and find the physical constants.
- Qualitative detection of glucose in urine (the Trommer reaction).
- Quantitative determination of glucose in blood by a glucose-oxidase method.
- Determination of total cholesterol concentration in serum.
- Determination of urea concentration in serum and urine.
- Determination of saponification value of the fat.
- Qualitative tests for carbohydrates(Iodine test, Benedict’s test, Barfoed’s test, Seliwanoff’s test, Bial’s test)
- Separation of amino acids by chromatographic techniques and detection by nin-hydrin test.
- Separation of lipids by TLC, and detection.