Model Questions for Pharmacology
Model Questions for Pharmaceutical Microbiology (Food Microbiology)
- What are the sources of impurities in pharmaceutical products?
- Explain the “bio-assay” linking with it to the drug discovery process.
- Highlight about the spoilage of pharmaceutical raw materials.
- What is pharmacopoeia and monograph development? Highlight about it in the context of Nepal.
- Mention some quality assurance and management practices for pharmaceutical products.
- Describe preservation methods of pharmaceutical products.
- What are the factors affecting microbial spoilage of pharmaceutical products? How the humidity is crucial for it?
- What are the biological indicators of sterilization? Explain any two of them.
- Explain some methods of testing for the presence of antibiotics in meat.
- Explain some in vitro assays that are useful in drug discovery.
- What are the routes of drug administration?
- What is pharmacodynamics? Explain with paracetamol (acetaminophen).
- What are the "potency and efficacy" of drug? Explain with examples.
- What is therapeutic index? Explain and draw a graph for warfarin.
- How can we select a molecule to be taken as a medicine? Explain some theoretical aspects.
- What are the components of augmentin? Explain the mode of action of augmentin.
- What are the criteria to select the antibiotics as the drug of choice?
- Enlist some biological sources and the antibiotics extracted/isolated from them.
- What are super-bugs? “Overuse of antibiotics may create super-bugs.” Explain the statement.
- Describe the MIC and MBC. Explain some methods of searching new antibacterials.